
Tye the not

Tye the not

141 Plays

14 Jun 2021

bro youve got a frickin, well you know grow up kie, you never token my advice its just like you know i, i try my best to do this and you know you-you failed uh make it work, do it right, somethin else, i don't know, perfection is the frickin key got my frickin double dees, has to be more-SHUT UP TRYING MY BEST WHATS THE POINT IF IM GONNA GET HELP AGAIN GOT A FRICKING SELFISH DEAD, OH MY GOD WHATD YOU DO IVE GOT STUFF TO FRICKIN DO GOT MY ISSUES IN THE BAG IVE NEVER GAVE UP JUST LIKE YOU DO NOT STOP ALWAYS POP NEVER EVER WALK AGAIN BEAT YOU DOWN BET YOUD NEVER DISS A KING AGAIN ITS FRICKIN LIfE R DEAF SITUATION GOT MY MONEY RIGHT HERE NOW GET THE HECK AWAY FROM OR IMA GO BALLISTIC ON YOU GOT TO MANY FRICKIN PEOPLE AND MY PEOPLE ON YOU BUST THE CHAIR TYE THE NOT UH UHUHUHUH

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