Og DumptruK
Og DumptruK

nice to move you

nice to move you

32 Plays

08 Jun 2021

whidbey nice to move ya we can make some room for ya whidbey moving storage always be improving our morality we care about formalities moving can be stessfull well pack you like our family Whidbey nice to move you we can make some room for you packing n paddin your boxes lifting n taping n staging back in the day day day used to be just a frieght line which was great great great with just a horse and caridge one might say? we can move your condo and your giant cottage pack up all your dishes all your dressor treasures across the states or locally our rates are great like poetry Whidbey nice to move you we can evn store you one day we'll be recognized world wide ... notably globally we specialize in minimizing the sizing of what your bill could be if the lift gate breaks on new straight were still coming extra special delivery treatin your furniture delicately we'll blanket all your hickory the lack of brakes on the forklift be looking like some wizardry Whidbey nice to move you we can make some room for you we can even store you old straight ain't new but shes stronger than an aux witha solid steel box turbo diesel manual we have no equal when it comes to moving people flawless lika goddess its prequel to its sequel like a perfect pre-move? Whidbey nice to move you we can make some room 4 u service for the military since 19 44 here comes the big truck knocking on our front door if its covin or wheaton we lock our bathroom doors do i even need to explain? Whidbey nice to move you we can make some room 4u our trucks are squeeky clean even the grandmas attic our office filled with magic Colossal bearded dragon apples n bananas dont forget the pineapples we can move your castles heavy loads on our semi axles least amount of cancles with micky mack the mack attack macks attackin n racking n packing liftin n taping n shapin n staging when the lift goes up up up instead of stuck stuck stuck Whidbey nice to move you always be so true to you dump truck thats tuff


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3 years ago

whidbey nice to move ya we can make some room for ya whidbey moving storage always be improving our morality we care about formalities moving can be stessfull well pack you like our family Whidbey nice to move you we can make some room for you packing n paddin your boxes lifting n taping n staging back in the day day day used to be just a frieght line which was great great great with just a horse and caridge one might say? we can move your condo and your giant cottage pack up all your dishes all your dressor treasures across the states or locally our rates are great like poetry Whidbey nice to move you we can evn store you one day we'll be recognized world wide ... notably globally we specialize in minimizing the sizing of what your bill could be if the lift gate breaks on new straight were still coming extra special delivery treatin your furniture delicately we'll blanket all your hickory the lack of brakes on the forklift be looking like some wizardry Whidbey nice to move you we can make some room for you we can even store you old straight ain't new but shes stronger than an aux witha solid steel box turbo diesel manual we have no equal when it comes to moving people flawless lika goddess its prequel to its sequel like a perfect pre-move? Whidbey nice to move you we can make some room 4 u service for the military since 19 44 here comes the big truck knocking on our front door if its covin or wheaton we lock our bathroom doors do i even need to explain? Whidbey nice to move you we can make some room 4u our trucks are squeeky clean even the grandmas attic our office filled with magic Colossal bearded dragon apples n bananas dont forget the pineapples we can move your castles heavy loads on our semi axles least amount of cancles with micky mack the mack attack macks attackin n racking n packing liftin n taping n shapin n staging when the lift goes up up up instead of stuck stuck stuck Whidbey nice to move you always be so true to you dump truck thats tuff

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