


52 Plays

02 Jun 2021

my thoughts have grown oh so partial I've almost stooped so low as to grabbing the arsenal. you ever sit alone in your room contemplating every single mistake you made? every chick you laid, all the devils work that got you paid? I bet you don't. you wallow in self pity, don't cry to me because the gutter is oh so shitty. you chose the easy route because the budget was oh so thrifty, but the repercussions are stated in history. You're walking a tightrope of cheap thrills and bad deals but when I speak up I'm the jealous one and people tell me to act real. HA So here we are at a standstill, I ain't tryna make mountains out mole hills brother im just tryna save your head from the anvil. I get IT, im a flawed character as well. sometimes to learn you have to feel the burn from a living hell. We are all learning and no matter what shit goes down the world keeps purging but understand I'm here for your benefit bro and this ship is overturning! we have to bail now otherwise we will be victims in a jailhouse. pushed to the point of no return the devil laughs to see us fighting and so concerned. If you see my name on a headstone just know I gave a fuck, know I didn't mean for shit to be like this but that's just my mental state controlling me and that's what sucks. I've been deceived so many times, been told so many lies, and that's why depression claims so many lives. I'm in a full sprint, adrenaline is pumping through my veins. it's all out now before I go mentally insane, if your intentions are to do harm stay in your fucking lane.

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