
443 Plays


28 May 2021

Succession I must confess this prejudice Because honestly I'm not impressed And instead I will take offense At expressions of opulence They're nothing but mere arrogance In excess of extravagance And though this message is compressed Into bars of rhythmic text Its rhymes were designed to speak direct Opposing with utter detest The ignorance and wastefulness Of feigned claims to be above the rest So with distaste I blatantly egress The vain cases of foolishness Which those of truest providence Shall not absolve if not a jest Such abandon and recklessness The devolved fame of the pretentious Best pray they wake from their fakeness And let their egos gain lament That they refrain from that nonsense Instead behave with repentance But if these words fly above your heads And you just don't comprehend Try, at least, to just get this: Function's greater than fashion is Needs and wants are not the same What doesn't work shouldn't be what gets The majority of your attention Morality puts fame to shame Your value lies in what you do Not what you have, or even your name And that is solely up to you Your choice to choose, the measurement plain Your worth based on quality maintained Not on the quantity of accolades Or by the amount of profits gained When you turn around, who has your back And who have you dishonorably stabbed Your future's built upon your past Learn to make your present Present a better path Or the only you'll get is Greater excess of bad Increased mortality as you climb As revenge your enemies will find Whenever you slip and give them the chance But what the hell would I know I'm only one man It's not like I've ever been burned Or from experience I've learned it's not like I haven't been an adult a single day in my life I actually own outright the nice car that I drive Yes I have a wife and I have a son And I make mistakes that I overcome I've been to some places most only hear of And witnessed strange shit of every type bud But screw me right, my life's just fine Why should you listen to me whine Because while I haven't seen it all My word's as true as a mountain is tall And I've seen enough you ought to trust That I simply don't need to bluff So before you think that you're so tough Go watch your friends get blown up in trucks Or hump 100 pounds of gear Through the mud in the dark of night While trying to be silent here Take a closer look at me surprise! Maybe you've jumped out a plane I know I did that shit's insane And maybe you have been shot at Every time I did it always made me mad Maybe you're away from home For several months or a year alone Except for people you work with But you're afraid to give a shit Because tomorrow they could die And that eats you up inside Remembering all the good times While preparing to say goodbye Maybe your family, isn't all the best And they often bother you and you get into arguments But I sure hope your siblings don't Look for drugs to make them cope Because meth is a fucking bitch And I've watched my sister ruin shit And maybe you've got some problems When you go into work But it's easier to solve them When you're not physically injured I sure hope that you've never been told That though you're working hard you're going to be let go Right before back surgery Because I have and that shit hurt me In more ways than just simply one But I'm still here to say that I didn't give up And you don't have to either You just need to learn How to prioritize All of your life's concerns So you can better focus On what matters most To not feel so goddamm hopeless And instead revoke That which doesn't help you But just drags you down And perhaps you'll be more happy Next time I come around But I won't pretend to know you I only know me This is just how Justin Has learned to succeed ~ Justin Farrow


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Bars: Dope πŸ”₯ Delivery: Dope πŸ”₯ Impression: Dope πŸ”₯

2 years ago

Bars: Dope πŸ”₯ Delivery: Dope πŸ”₯ Impression: Dope πŸ”₯

3 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 10/10 Delivery: 10/10 Impression: 10/10 Bars: Perfect πŸ’― Delivery: Perfect πŸ’― Impression: Perfect πŸ’―

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