Buck Plusgee
Buck Plusgee

other mysteries

other mysteries

199 Plays

24 May 2021

we heard the final judgement trickle down the very sound stubborn never budges perspective handed down round table each chair solemnly chosen mutual respect with new ideas string bows and sharpen swords when daring to look within one's inner sphere stacking monolithic stones of extraordinary tonnage flashback of the highlights flash before your eyes roll the montage best intentions paved the road to hell your feet are blistering balbeck golblio tepi Machu Picchu and other mysteries constellations therein holds the keys pathway masterpiece passed to to those and these to weave together stories history patches pieces knowledge will increase its formulaic outcome only when you raise your voice understanding standard outcomes I wonder how come inquisitive remains my disposition young and old strong and bold knowing when it's time to fold #BuckPlusgee imitating those with fading colors here and hitherto recalling feeling ostersized picked apart by critical little fools but at the time to me seemed to be the major seminal time dilates perspects change and in the neverending game of chairs music will recalibrate feel deflate but only from the moment 4 and 5 thoughts get caught but now understanding that the limits sky beginnings nigh and endings drawing near caught a glimpse a side eye now my pupils start to leer muddied waters shortly will become most crystal clear rise and cheer for what seems to you to be important stop that here it's time to reinforce personal) borders problems mere coincidences probably once was ostracized but now its feeling like it outta be mastermind connecting fragments of subconscious thought that we subtlety goes out the window path littered with dangers fraught with limitless limitations prepare for the onslaught


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2 years ago

Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

Here are my scores: Bars: 9/10 Delivery: 9/10 Impression: 9/10 Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

3 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 9/10 Delivery: 9/10 Impression: 9/10 Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

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