
car crash

car crash

17 Plays

29 Apr 2021

It seems like the world is spinning so fast I I don't know how long I can last on this earth before I fall off and crash I can't remember my past this shit all happend so fast the officers talk to me first and asked what happened I said I past out they said you were very drunk and ran into a tree stump i said oh shit I fucked up they said I would have been dead if the air bags didn't go off but luckily they had went off I said my dad's gonna kill me for crashing his R33 the doctors said I broke my arm and my collar bone I asked can I use your phone they said yes so I called my dad and said don't be mad at me dad but I had a little accident you see he said what did you do I said I crashed your R33 into a tree stump when I was drunk he was like holy shit bud are you ok I was like yea dad I'm at the hospital as we speak he said I'm on my way it was only for a day and i was out of the hospital he said I'm not mad at you for breaking my R33 it can be replaced but the one thing I can't replace is me


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3 years ago

it's my first time doing this so lol I tryed

3 years ago

It seems like the world is spinning so fast I I don't know how long I can last on this earth before I fall off and crash I can't remember my past this shit all happend so fast the officers talk to me first and asked what happened I said I past out they said you were very drunk and ran into a tree stump i said oh shit I fucked up they said I would have been dead if the air bags didn't go off but luckily they had went off I said my dad's gonna kill me for crashing his R33 the doctors said I broke my arm and my collar bone I asked can I use your phone they said yes so I called my dad and said don't be mad at me dad but I had a little accident you see he said what did you do I said I crashed your R33 into a tree stump when I was drunk he was like holy shit bud are you ok I was like yea dad I'm at the hospital as we speak he said I'm on my way it was only for a day and i was out of the hospital he said I'm not mad at you for breaking my R33 it can be replaced but the one thing I can't replace is me

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