
180 Plays

11 Apr 2021

What would you do with your fifteen minutes of fame, will you think about yourself and play it safe or something else and state your case, will you be all bushy act all snooty, make riders want to rob you and your team with the ozzy? Unity ,will you be plastic and melt under the flame or will you be fantastic, unite the blacks and change the game Unity I don't need a parachute to jump out the plane, I just need my balls and God to guide my way, I dont do it for the paper, it all burns just the same, I do it for the righteous, I do for us all, to pick up the torch, when it's time to blaze Unity will you be plastic and melt under the flame or will you be fantastic, unite the blacks and change the game .


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What would you do with your fifteen minutes of fame, will you think about yourself and play it safe or something else and state your case, will you be all bushy act all snooty, make riders want to rob you and your team with the ozzy? Unity ,will you be plastic and melt under the flame or will you be fantastic, unite the blacks and change the game Unity I don't need a parachute to jump out the plane, I just need my balls and God to guide my way, I dont do it for the paper, it all burns just the same, I do it for the righteous, I do for us all, to pick up the torch, when it's time to blaze Unity will you be plastic and melt under the flame or will you be fantastic, unite the blacks and change the game .

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