Pauline Sistercupra
Pauline Sistercupra

I see all the people round the world locked down.

I see all the people round the world locked down.

103 Plays

27 Feb 2021

I see all the people round the world locked down. covid has struck like a mask to a clown. The loss of life cut deep like a knife all this pain all this strife all this crap all this time people are suffering like a mouse in a house mental illness upside down people dying every minute every hour oh my God, oh my God what will happen when we take off the mask governments corruption political sparks racism anger trauma in the dark covid19 is man made fear conjuring up devils with poisonous air all these nations New world order who do we relate too who do we call on fight for your rights fight for your life fight for your time fight for your future


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@PaulineSistercupra feel this girly 💯💕

I see all the people round the world locked down. covid has struck like a mask to a clown. The loss of life cut deep like a knife all this pain all this strife all this crap all this time people are suffering like a mouse in a house mental illness upside down people dying every minute every hour oh my God, oh my God what will happen when we take off the mask governments corruption political sparks racism anger trauma in the dark covid19 is man made fear conjuring up devils with poisonous air all these nations New world order who do we relate too who do we call on fight for your rights fight for your life fight for your time fight for your future

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