
Love* Pull Your Emotion Up With Your Strength*

Love* Pull Your Emotion Up With Your Strength*

189 Plays

23 Feb 2021

Views, Aye* Love* Aye! Is the First letter Of the alphebet. It is number One, so try to do this.. If yOu go up in intelligence, yOu will knOw mOre, but We lOve yOu sO Much* Aye! Pull yOur* emOtion up with the strength of yOur mind** We're One*** Aye!* People try to sing this song, a secOne time* Learn Us* and branch from Us! Aye* This is a song here two* TwO times, Aye!* kill em with Kindness* Peace and Love everybOdy* we'll be with yOu fOrever Creating fOrever memOries* It'll all wOrk Twogether* just Remember the middle of that word there that you'll fOrever have eachOther twO. Us we'll be with yOu. Freedom Aye! kill em with Kindness is what We did to stop the governments in every cOuntry! FreedOm nOw*** Yes you and me* Serenity, Aye! Play guitar, to excersize yOur, mind in every way, Aye! Say anything yOu want two, anybOdy yOu have With yOu. And We Want You All twO knOw that, We lOve yOu sO much* This sOng is Ours* never silently, Serenely, Serenity. kill em with Kindness Kindly* We lOve yOu* Aye! Everybody Aye! You'll be together one day. Theres a way, Love is patient and it can be kind, Aye! it can happen fast or it can take a little time. love does not envy or boast, because it's not, on that typa boat. it is not arrogant or rude, it can be unbearable, but not with the right people. it is not irritable or resentful, the emotion is not but, it should never be taken out the mental. it should not rejoice at wrong doings, if it is try to fix it fluently, we all have views and ill get onto that in a few.. it should rejoice with all that you see as good. always hope to have it with all things that you should. InLove* or Another Love emotion* Aye! But people, to love someone should be way more for them than yourself. its okay to love someone or something cause you want to. but if you have love for something or someone and you dont want to. just try to change your views, so you, can be the way you want to. if you don't want to love something or someone, it would quickly go away. theinine, doesnt let it go away, right away cause it can be torcher. i wish the population never, would lose, the emotion they get so, used to. but people try to change those views.. views are how you see things or people or yourself. Think of an always with it, do you best to understand it. We're here to help*** Some people use the word love to get into someone's pants.. That is a manipulative and selfish act. some people say they love them just based on how they look. These two previous things are not love. A part of love is when you care about their happiness safety and health. But there's a whole lot more to it so please listen to what I have to tell. To give everything you have to someone, and not expect anything in return, when you feel for someone, so much, you put their needs ahead of your own. love care respect or trust, happiness joy hope, or any emotion. will make you fight for someone and keep them safe and away from, harm. emotion is where the soul is at. I wanted to spill out my heart. Kindly, Peace and Love! Aye* We love you.


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4 years ago

Everybody Aye! You'll be together one day. Theres a way, Love is patient and it can be kind, Aye! it can happen fast or it can take a little time. love does not envy or boast, because it's not, on that typa boat. it is not arrogant or rude, it can be unbearable, but not with the right people. it is not irritable or resentful, the emotion is not but, it should never be taken out the mental. it should not rejoice at wrong doings, if it is try to fix it fluently, we all have views and ill get onto that in a few.. it should rejoice with all that you see as good. always hope to have it with all things that you should. InLove* or Another Love emotion* Aye! But people, to love someone should be way more for them than yourself. its okay to love someone or something cause you want to. but if you have love for something or someone and you dont want to. just try to change your views, so you, can be the way you want to. if you don't want to love something or someone, it would quickly go away. theinine, doesnt let it go away, right away cause it can be torcher. i wish the population never, would lose, the emotion they get so, used to. but people try to change those views.. views are how you see things or people or yourself. Think of an always with it, do you best to understand it. We're here to help*** Some people use the word love to get into someone's pants.. That is a manipulative and selfish act. some people say they love them just based on how they look. These two previous things are not love. A part of love is when you care about their happiness safety and health. But there's a whole lot more to it so please listen to what I have to tell. To give everything you have to someone, and not expect anything in return, when you feel for someone, so much, you put their needs ahead of your own. love care respect or trust, happiness joy hope, or any emotion. will make you fight for someone and keep them safe and away from, harm. emotion is where the soul is at. I wanted to spill out my heart. Kindly, Peace and Love! Aye* We love you.

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