Bonginkosi Ndunge
Bonginkosi Ndunge

No...Betta days

No...Betta days

3 Plays

20 Feb 2021

The betta days Lemme jst say it as it is about the betta days ,,first let me tell you the are no betta days,,than be a lil kid that can't even knw whats happenin,,the hour,, the minute,,the second u knw whats goin on ,, U gut knw the r no betta days better blv me,,all U gut to do is to keep ur Faith n focus make urself some betta days,,many out there are dying,,hunger the poverty dieses that man made r damn killin us,,U tell me,, where r the betta days❓ chorus...."Lord help us about get the betta days each an every 5 year term the government is tellin me to go n vote for the change and betta days for me to leave betta bt I'm the one that has wake up early in the morning stop the cuddling...go do the Hustling,,Damn where r the betta days all these years A'v been fed the lies ,,told the lies,even showed the lies...."chorus ...betta days.." nw A'm a father to a daughter gut to put food on damn on the table gut to pay her fees,,pay the bills,,roll ma rims hw can I 4get I also gut to chase ma dreams Damn somebody plz U tell or show me where to bet or buy the gut damn betta days,,All I can say is A'v learnt to be the Best,,,put me First forget about the rest fuck the East or the West I gut to leave I gut to breath leave ma life till The Day I rest. The betta days make urself some betta days everyday u tell urself its a betta day Betta days betta dayss...betta days hallaaaaaaaa.


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The betta days Lemme jst say it as it is about the betta days ,,first let me tell you the are no betta days,,than be a lil kid that can't even knw whats happenin,,the hour,, the minute,,the second u knw whats goin on ,, U gut knw the r no betta days better blv me,,all U gut to do is to keep ur Faith n focus make urself some betta days,,many out there are dying,,hunger the poverty dieses that man made r damn killin us,,U tell me,, where r the betta days❓ chorus...."Lord help us about get the betta days each an every 5 year term the government is tellin me to go n vote for the change and betta days for me to leave betta bt I'm the one that has wake up early in the morning stop the cuddling...go do the Hustling,,Damn where r the betta days all these years A'v been fed the lies ,,told the lies,even showed the lies...."chorus ...betta days.." nw A'm a father to a daughter gut to put food on damn on the table gut to pay her fees,,pay the bills,,roll ma rims hw can I 4get I also gut to chase ma dreams Damn somebody plz U tell or show me where to bet or buy the gut damn betta days,,All I can say is A'v learnt to be the Best,,,put me First forget about the rest fuck the East or the West I gut to leave I gut to breath leave ma life till The Day I rest. The betta days make urself some betta days everyday u tell urself its a betta day Betta days betta dayss...betta days hallaaaaaaaa.

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