End of Days
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19 Feb 2021

#EndofDays #HeavyArtillery Big Bear Productions Red til I'm dead It's the End of Days yo It's now or never It's time to wake up World War Three Is Us against the State If we want to be free Yet they don't need heavy artillery Because Sheep willfully vaccinate Inject poison and validate Government fear based mandates Because they can't think For themselves And that's where the first battle lies Fighting the lies we tell ourselves The illiterate of today Aren't those who can't Read and write But those who can't Learn, unlearn and relearn We need to fight for What's right and return From this zeitgeist Free our minds from The Twilight zone and reclaim Them as our own The world won't be saved with old minds With new programs But with new minds with no programs at all And for that The Empire must fall We live in an artificial world That stands tall on a foundation Of the lies That the nations Can put up walls to divide Humanity into different stations People with lower class situations With upper class aspirations Our free will is our freedom to move I know that's news to you But our ability to choose to remove Ourselves from where we are To go where we can improve and prove ourselves Is the freedom of man Freedom stolen by the Commonwealth Colonialism and Imperialism Enslaved humanity with legalism Words on paper justifying Government terrorism The end goal of evil isn't Perpetuatual violence, It's obedience From heavy artillery dropping bombs To raising children from dawn To not understand right from wrong The government can't save you They're the enemy Only you can save you Not the police or military Only you can save you Believing in the State Makes you your own worst enemy Worshipping the entity That's brainwashed you mentally And stolen your identity You don't know who you are You just wave a flag With stripes and stars Faker than SARS C. o. v-2 That's coronavirus This whole time They've been lying to us A global false flag Government Farmers culling tax livestock So they can get more Control in the bag Short term losses For long term gains Taking advantage of mental novices And ignoring their pain You're just a carcass And your pleas will fall in vain All that matters Is that you obey and be trained To have doing what your told engrained Into your brain A socialist narcissistic paradigm Meant to leave you lame And unable to frame Reality as it is Willing to give up your freedom and kids Because the State forbids Food and shelter for anyone Who won't submit to their authority They criminalize The homeless minority If not make it a priority To show the majority What happens if they don't fall in line And after a lifetime of this People line up for vaccination shots Pretending its for their Health and freedom When it's absolutely not It's what happens when fear Dominates the minds thoughts It becomes domineered and rots To do stupid shit Like bison being chased To run off a cliff Those bison died Because they didn't know what Was ahead of them That's what's on the horizon We are running out of room But stopping and turning around Is up to you But that's not enough The whole herd has to do it You can be the King of the Pridelands But when a stampeding herd Comes through There's nothing you can do. So you have to go on that Fool's Journey, Learn and grow Then come back to fight the Evil authority That had stolen your birthright and Sovereignty And bring correction and order To the world


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Bars: Dope πŸ”₯ Delivery: Dope πŸ”₯ Impression: Dope πŸ”₯

2 years ago

Bars: Dope πŸ”₯ Delivery: Dope πŸ”₯ Impression: Dope πŸ”₯

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