Pauline Sistercupra
Pauline Sistercupra

The Miracles of Love and War Sistercupra

The Miracles of Love and War Sistercupra

167 Plays


10 Feb 2021

I felt the broken pieces of me fade away like the moon lit sky under the increase of my deep impressions that freed me from crushed intentions I held my head up high whilst thinking of what must I do to get me through for the fear of understanding you These faded tears fell from my eyes like piercing waves of lullabies I pulled away the magnifying glass and ripped the pain away from this mask. I carved a memory from the days of old. I held onto each word like gold. I hoped for love that would mould the mould. I analyze the things I know I heard the words like winter snow. My ears turned towards the whispers and there I uncovered the splinters. Frosting droplets drenching down slippery memories of a that sound. I touched, I prodded, I wrote, I cried, I hoped, I poured, I said goodbye. I crawled, I clawed my way to the floor, I held the miracles of love and war.


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I felt the broken pieces of me fade away like the moon lit sky under the increase of my deep impressions that freed me from crushed intentions I held my head up high whilst thinking of what must I do to get me through for the fear of understanding you These faded tears fell from my eyes like piercing waves of lullabies I pulled away the magnifying glass and ripped the pain away from this mask. I carved a memory from the days of old. I held onto each word like gold. I hoped for love that would mould the mould. I analyze the things I know I heard the words like winter snow. My ears turned towards the whispers and there I uncovered the splinters. Frosting droplets drenching down slippery memories of a that sound. I touched, I prodded, I wrote, I cried, I hoped, I poured, I said goodbye. I crawled, I clawed my way to the floor, I held the miracles of love and war.

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