Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner

Flying Saucer

Flying Saucer

10 Plays

08 Feb 2021

Some days I just wanna kill myself, my life is a fucking living hell, got so many choices I want to dispel and I believe God’s only mistake is myself, self harm down and tattooed on my chest, got a fucking knife to leave my wrists in a bloody mess, and I want to just take a fucking rest, but all I can do is press, try my fucking best, ‘cause I know it’ll hurt worse when I still fail in the fucking end. That’s as simple as I’ll put it, I’m pretty much a masochist, I wish my mother died so I had a reason to feel bad again, and if I had the chance to see my dad again, I’d probably do it so I could feel sad again, and sure I write a good bar every now and then, but in a sense I’m just a simple teenage kid, god forbid anyone learns about the things I did, the horrible shit I put people through including my friends, and I pray to god if this is truly the end, atleast give me a day to take these wounds so I may mend, I know I’ve fucked up, made a ton of terrible choices, I know I shouldn’t hate my mom for getting 2 divorces, I know I shouldn’t listen to these voices ‘cause all they say is how I have no purpose when in truth I’m the voice for the voiceless and I’ll make sure I’m fucking heard, even if I have to scream every fucking word. Yeah in truth I’m a terrible fucking guy, personally I don’t think I’m evil but I’m certainly a terrible version of a person and all I can do is sit here as my mental health worsens, I’m just a coward with no hope, guess I’m hopeless. I have one thing to live for and that is my younger brother and my sister, and if I witness any motherfucker trying to fuck with her, I’ll save the “cut it out mister”’s and send a fist right into his fucking kisser. Sure I’m a scrawny dork, call me what you wanna, I don’t mind ‘cause I’ve stopped giving a shit since I started hating my own mama, and don’t nobody try to put me down for all my trauma or I’ll show you trauma with the right side of a flying saucer.

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