Juicy Pándá
Juicy Pándá

Breaking obsession

Breaking obsession

8 Plays

03 Feb 2021

i see all down there from this chair asking me to spare sites like this is rare now where is that flare i don't care so let this be a lesson showing my profession with aggression breaking obsession it's now so don't look away I'm here to stay so begin to pray listing to every word i say so you would remember this every day you have to obay that's the only way break free from this world high as a bird so all could be heard let this be spread like bread taking it to bed staying in your head until you're dead like death said look ahead speak the words i will walk this road that's before opening the door that leads you to the core finally in peace you're soul release from the fleece now that you're deceased killing the beast


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3 years ago

i see all down there from this chair asking me to spare sites like this is rare now where is that flare i don't care so let this be a lesson showing my profession with aggression breaking obsession it's now so don't look away I'm here to stay so begin to pray listing to every word i say so you would remember this every day you have to obay that's the only way break free from this world high as a bird so all could be heard let this be spread like bread taking it to bed staying in your head until you're dead like death said look ahead speak the words i will walk this road that's before opening the door that leads you to the core finally in peace you're soul release from the fleece now that you're deceased killing the beast

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