whatsapp flows
RI PP ER 🔥[27/01, 11:03] Alex 🦆🦇🐿: I heard mans got girls in ormy, I heard mans got girls in the corn, I heard mans got cats in mansfield and I know mans got straps down sandfield, I'm talkin shottys and chettys, i'm talkin shivved and spaghetti'd, i'm talkin diesel and petty, now mans gone cold like a yeti [27/01, 11:04] Alex 🦆🦇🐿: Now my g could've done time cos he importin bits like heisenberg, i dont care what you've heard cos he'll spread your bird like lemon curd [27/01, 11:06] Alex 🦆🦇🐿: I heard my guy knows L webb and I heard my guy knows moon, I heard my guy used to chill down tanhouse with 50 plants in the room
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[27/01, 11:03] Alex 🦆🦇🐿: I heard mans got girls in ormy, I heard mans got girls in the corn, I heard mans got cats in mansfield and I know mans got straps down sandfield, I'm talkin shottys and chettys, i'm talkin shivved and spaghetti'd, i'm talkin diesel and petty, now mans gone cold like a yeti [27/01, 11:04] Alex 🦆🦇🐿: Now my g could've done time cos he importin bits like heisenberg, i dont care what you've heard cos he'll spread your bird like lemon curd [27/01, 11:06] Alex 🦆🦇🐿: I heard my guy knows L webb and I heard my guy knows moon, I heard my guy used to chill down tanhouse with 50 plants in the room
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