Earth Angel

1 Take Respone

Earth Angel
1 Take Respone

5 Plays

04 Jan 2017

People, I beg you if you're going to wrap at least have lyrical content. If you're not good enough to freestyle and still provide some sort of lyrical content, then write this shit down. If you can't provide a decent amount of lyrical content with a written, then fucking get better at wrap and actually dedicate yourself to this fucking craft or quit. Because right now your garbage. It's a disgrace to have to listen to this. This is not hip-hop. This is a fuck boy shit 2017 that it's not OK. Donald trumps the fucking president. We don't need you to be the fucking president of hip-hop. We don't need people it sound like you to be the fucking president of hip-hop. Fuck you. Fuck everything anybody who actually agrees with the shit that you say stands for. Do you really want to make $300 a week your whole life? That's about what is the average drug dealer base after lucky. Not to mention that actually fluctuates a lot. You're fucking stupid if you actually want to live that life. Not every fucking drug dealers a king pin. Even then do you know what the average lifespan isn't a king pin?


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8 years ago

People, I beg you if you're going to wrap at least have lyrical content. If you're not good enough to freestyle and still provide some sort of lyrical content, then write this shit down. If you can't provide a decent amount of lyrical content with a written, then fucking get better at wrap and actually dedicate yourself to this fucking craft or quit. Because right now your garbage. It's a disgrace to have to listen to this. This is not hip-hop. This is a fuck boy shit 2017 that it's not OK. Donald trumps the fucking president. We don't need you to be the fucking president of hip-hop. We don't need people it sound like you to be the fucking president of hip-hop. Fuck you. Fuck everything anybody who actually agrees with the shit that you say stands for. Do you really want to make $300 a week your whole life? That's about what is the average drug dealer base after lucky. Not to mention that actually fluctuates a lot. You're fucking stupid if you actually want to live that life. Not every fucking drug dealers a king pin. Even then do you know what the average lifespan isn't a king pin?

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