
Anger to Paper

Anger to Paper

119 Plays

25 Jan 2021

😠 Rough day 😠 So i decided to put my anger onto paper instead of taking it out on those I love. 🎤 📃 🙏 👍 My anger rages i gotta try to tame it circumstances im in but i cant blame em every single time i lose my mind i can name it tribulations ive been in but in Christ I overcame it im here to share my mind through these rhymes ill proclaim it Anger in its time and place May assume a kind of grace. It must have some reason in it, And not last beyond a minute. If to further lengths it goes, into malice yeah it grows. whats the difference that we see between the serpent and the bee. If the latter you provoke, It inflicts a hasty stroke, Puts you into to little pain, But it never stings again. Closely hiding in the bush Lurks the poison-swelled snake Nursing up his cherished wrath; In the track of his path, In the cold, or in the warm, Mean him good, or mean him harm, Whatever fate may bring you, The vile snake will always sting you Anger never did, and never will, Put things into better fashion, Though rough the road, and steep the hill, it flies into a passion And never yet did fume or regret Mend any broken bubble; The worst evil, bravely met, Is but a conquered trouble. Our trials—if we only knew— Are often what we make them; And mole-hills into mountains grow, Just by the way we take them. Who keeps his temper, calm and cool, Will find his wits in season; But rage is weak, a foaming fool, With neither strength nor reason. And if a thing be hard to bear When nerve and brain are steady, If fiery passions rave and tear, It finds us mangled already. Who yields to anger conquered lies— A captive none can pity; Who rules his spirit, greater is he Than he who takes a city. A hero is he, with banners flaunted; He treads his passions under his feet, And meets the world undaunted. to bravely do our best, However the winds are blowing; And humbly leave to God the rest, Its His wisdom thats worth the knowing! My anger rages i gotta try to tame it circumstances im in but i cant blame it every single time i lose my mind i can name it tribulations ive been in but in Christ I overcame it im here to share my mind through these rhymes i proclaim it See heres the problem My anger seems to always win to get the best of me and when im angry Im really really angry. I'm so angry I'll jump up and down. I roll on the ground Make a din. Make you spin Pull out my hair. Throw you in the air Pull down posts. Hunt down ghosts Scare spiders.Scare tigers Pull up trees. Bully bees Rattle the radiators. Frighten alligators Cut down flowers. Bring down towers Bang all the bones. Wake up stones Shake the tiles. Stop all smiles Silence birds. Boil words #PowerfulHandsTeam


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3 years ago


3 years ago

There's purpose in pain... HE turns our mess into a messege... If your ever goin thru it and would like prayer or to come in agreement with you, don't hesitate to ask. I'll send you my number in the private messege if need be. GOD bless

3 years ago

i feel this track cause I'm the same way

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