DizZy_Dean Official
DizZy_Dean Official

My Wife Left Me Today

My Wife Left Me Today

26 Plays

20 Jan 2021

my wife left me today she said I got too much porn that Is gay i said hold up honey what you mean that's a dolphin then she started talking like a fuckin Martian zoop zoop didnt know what it meant then she got down on her knees like she gonna repent she said I knew you were the one to save the universe how'd it go from being good then great then bad and then worse but anyways, I agreed and she took me to NASA saw some 3 tittied aliens backing they ass up throwing hundreds in the place til I get in the ship it was t minus two realized I had to go shit


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my wife left me today she said I got too much porn that Is gay i said hold up honey what you mean that's a dolphin then she started talking like a fuckin Martian zoop zoop didnt know what it meant then she got down on her knees like she gonna repent she said I knew you were the one to save the universe how'd it go from being good then great then bad and then worse but anyways, I agreed and she took me to NASA saw some 3 tittied aliens backing they ass up throwing hundreds in the place til I get in the ship it was t minus two realized I had to go shit

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