601 Plays

16 Jan 2021

rap fame? Beat the clown? Remember my verse, don't be fooled by the clown's smile? tormented? not fanatical, I do my part, and they think I'm weak, that I always hit,, they know that damn psychedelic order, I kill boredom, do you? don't throw yourself off the building, but are you serious? I already hear psychedelic rap? on top of the building, I am death my father is strong, he didn’t have any luck, it was always on the arm or barrel of the gun, playing dominoes, I dominate his mind in a single chorus, I don’t know how to sing English, Google translator? I used it, I studied it, everyone has talent, but do the job willingly! with love, it will be noticed wherever there is for anyone, my rhyme in reverse makes me hostage, so I always go beyond, in the barrel of the gun you turn dead, and the fault of a tormented, psychopathic clown, a joke, do you want to die in the rhyme or in the grenade? did not like calls batma, my rhyme does not fail, my rhyme is rare! don't steal my diamonds? message to the mc does not generate revolt of a dreamer this has no turning back, he always goes on, a good plan is realized with precise calculations, but tell me friend? what do you have to do with it? from the beginning? respect for coexistence, or it becomes an extermination and the unique clown comes out alive #EUSOUPSICPDELIC LETRA.&.TRADUÇÃO: GOOGLE-TRADUTOR rap fame? Beat do palhaço? Lembra do meu verso, não se iluda com sorriso do palhaço? atormentado? não fanático, minha parte eu faço, e eles acha que eu sou fraco, que eu sempre faço hit, , eles sabem que a ordem maldito psicodélico, eu mato tédio, faço você? não se jogar de cima do prédio!, mas fala sério? ja escuto rap psicodélico? em cima do prédio, eu sou a morte meu pai é forte, não contou com sorte, sempre foi no braço ou no cano do revolver, jogando dominó ,domino sua mente em um único refrão, não sei canta inglês, google tradutor? usei , eu estudei, talento todos tem, mas fazer o trabalho com vontade! com amor, será notado aonde for tem pra ninguém, minha rima ao contrário me deixa refem, por isso eu sigo sempre alem, no cano do revolver você viro finado, e culpa de um palhaço atormentado, psicopata , uma piada, quer morrer na rima ou na granada? não gostou chama o batma, minha rima não falha, minha rima e rara! não roube meus diamantes? recado ao mc nao gere revolta de um sonhador isso não tem volta, ele segue sempre adiante, um bom plano se realiza com cálculos precisos, mas me diz amigo? oq voce tem a ver com isso? desde o início? respeito ao convívio, ou isso vira um extermínio e o palhaço único sai vivo rap fame? Beat the clown? Remember my verse, don't be fooled by the clown's smile? tormented? not fanatical, I do my part, and they think I'm weak, that I always hit,, they know that damn psychedelic order, I kill boredom, do you? don't throw yourself off the building, but are you serious? I already hear psychedelic rap? on top of the building, I am death my father is strong, he didn’t have any luck, it was always on the arm or barrel of the gun, playing dominoes, I dominate his mind in a single chorus, I don’t know how to sing English, Google translator? I used it, I studied it, everyone has talent, but do the job willingly! with love, it will be noticed wherever there is for anyone, my rhyme in reverse makes me hostage, so I always go beyond, in the barrel of the gun you turn dead, and the fault of a tormented, psychopathic clown, a joke, do you want to die in the rhyme or in the grenade? did not like calls batma, my rhyme does not fail, my rhyme is rare! don't steal my diamonds? message to the mc does not generate revolt of a dreamer this has no turning back, he always goes on, a good plan is realized with precise calculations, but tell me friend? what do you have to do with it? from the beginning? respect for coexistence, or it becomes an extermination and the unique clown comes out alive


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1 year ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

2 years ago

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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