72 Plays

30 Dec 2020

LYDACANE who's calling its growing and growing number of people who have been killed by sight when they spent the last night hounding its kenny Eyes glowing red me o my what's up with spot being gloomy and down this is a clown from deep 6 where my sick twist up knocked its flip flop hey everything stop what the fuck is that it's a shadow no the glowing light from inside that other side in the murder ride it's got a leash of. Gold on it roll on it its spike yall looking for a fight that just ain't gonna fucking stop alright know in ready to meet up with handle bar harry so who's that knocking oh shit every body my body rockiny6whats in the Christmas stocking its pain and two of the most insane simba arise with the clowns we out of the box rock roll don't stop and them to hell use the nail we are burning when yall learning


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3 years ago

LYDACANE who's calling its growing and growing number of people who have been killed by sight when they spent the last night hounding its kenny Eyes glowing red me o my what's up with spot being gloomy and down this is a clown from deep 6 where my sick twist up knocked its flip flop hey everything stop what the fuck is that it's a shadow no the glowing light from inside that other side in the murder ride it's got a leash of. Gold on it roll on it its spike yall looking for a fight that just ain't gonna fucking stop alright know in ready to meet up with handle bar harry so who's that knocking oh shit every body my body rockiny6whats in the Christmas stocking its pain and two of the most insane simba arise with the clowns we out of the box rock roll don't stop and them to hell use the nail we are burning when yall learning

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