
a letter to the lost there is hope god is ๐Ÿ‘

a letter to the lost there is hope god is ๐Ÿ‘

46 Plays


20 Dec 2020

i letter to the lost ones. oh children of the streets y must u be so blind dontbyou know you are so unique. please oh please โœ‹ and turn from.your ways all is not lost if u are only not to have the devil have hia way do not let seeds of deciption penetrate your soul. i am with you all you have to do is speak. ask and you shall revive i will never leave you be. but please refrain from what yall are doing because you will anger me i only want to nring you joy. im so tired of them having they way you but i have granted you free will so ypu can do as you wish to do. just look at me a new creation now i am brandnew. when all seems lost i will send you help if you only new. yes there is evil power of this earth that gives. you money and sinful things twisted love and many things. but this is at a cost and you will have to pay i will no longer let you slander my servant my children who are pure and just let you have your way. i will givehim sttrngth i will give him โœŒ i will grant love cuz he remains to fight. for what i do not know buy my children are never scared i will strike thee dwn with vengance so please you do not be scared. David do not rrfrain from what you are doing i am with you man when you were sinking quick who is the one who pulled you out of the sand. i will stand by your side and never let you be bring me honor and valor and they will ๐Ÿ‘€ . u do not need knoy fake freinds because the real ones i still refrain to see but they will come and at this i will let you be my children who are lost please seek the truth speak of love do you not know what he speaks is tru. love conquers all.


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4 years ago

i letter to the lost ones. oh children of the streets y must u be so blind dontbyou know you are so unique. please oh please โœ‹ and turn from.your ways all is not lost if u are only not to have the devil have hia way do not let seeds of deciption penetrate your soul. i am with you all you have to do is speak. ask and you shall revive i will never leave you be. but please refrain from what yall are doing because you will anger me i only want to nring you joy. im so tired of them having they way you but i have granted you free will so ypu can do as you wish to do. just look at me a new creation now i am brandnew. when all seems lost i will send you help if you only new. yes there is evil power of this earth that gives. you money and sinful things twisted love and many things. but this is at a cost and you will have to pay i will no longer let you slander my servant my children who are pure and just let you have your way. i will givehim sttrngth i will give him โœŒ i will grant love cuz he remains to fight. for what i do not know buy my children are never scared i will strike thee dwn with vengance so please you do not be scared. David do not rrfrain from what you are doing i am with you man when you were sinking quick who is the one who pulled you out of the sand. i will stand by your side and never let you be bring me honor and valor and they will ๐Ÿ‘€ . u do not need knoy fake freinds because the real ones i still refrain to see but they will come and at this i will let you be my children who are lost please seek the truth speak of love do you not know what he speaks is tru. love conquers all.

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