
31 Plays

27 Nov 2020

Everything I do no matter how hard I try it doesnt even matter to you cause all you see is what you make yourself believe. So fuck this shit I'm done living life I'll go back to using heroine cause that's the easiest way to die again. I'm going to overdose so put that fuckin noose around my neck that fucking rope I hopes not frayed cause theres no point in trying no point in being here I may as well jus dissapear.  I wanna get fucked up to the point I cant feel so fucked up wont be able to heal under a spell and its so surreal but I'm getting numb and its harder to feel see cause my love lifes complicated yeah iknoce boo boo poor me. Look I dnt give a fuck what anyone thinks of me now. Cause I cant even see my own reflection in the mirrior. My visions getting kinda hazy im behind the wheel ita getting hard to fuckin steer oh shit swerve watch out for the dear. In the headlights. Just like my ego run left run right hesitating out of fear. realizing as my life flashes before my eyes that maybe this time my fucking death is actually near/here. looking back on the past amd finally realizong that I was wrapped up in the wrong shit. but I thought what I was doing was right. it's a matter of choosing a path is it the path to flight or to fucking stand your fucking grouns and fuckin fight. knives pens ailver tongues swords used to make a plight.


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4 years ago

Everything I do no matter how hard I try it doesnt even matter to you cause all you see is what you make yourself believe. So fuck this shit I'm done living life I'll go back to using heroine cause that's the easiest way to die again. I'm going to overdose so put that fuckin noose around my neck that fucking rope I hopes not frayed cause theres no point in trying no point in being here I may as well jus dissapear.  I wanna get fucked up to the point I cant feel so fucked up wont be able to heal under a spell and its so surreal but I'm getting numb and its harder to feel see cause my love lifes complicated yeah iknoce boo boo poor me. Look I dnt give a fuck what anyone thinks of me now. Cause I cant even see my own reflection in the mirrior. My visions getting kinda hazy im behind the wheel ita getting hard to fuckin steer oh shit swerve watch out for the dear. In the headlights. Just like my ego run left run right hesitating out of fear. realizing as my life flashes before my eyes that maybe this time my fucking death is actually near/here. looking back on the past amd finally realizong that I was wrapped up in the wrong shit. but I thought what I was doing was right. it's a matter of choosing a path is it the path to flight or to fucking stand your fucking grouns and fuckin fight. knives pens ailver tongues swords used to make a plight.

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