
All powerful King

All powerful King

87 Plays

26 Nov 2020

Would love your guy's opinion. Lemme know. Please hit that thumbs up, follow me and I'll follow back. All powerful King 1. He saved me 2. When I was faced with impossible odds 3. He said it was possible that my sins were washable 4. He said he wasn't gonna act like an article, that it was my choice weather or not they were washable 5. He said that there would be another huge obstacle, but to look through his arsenal. 6. Apparently not everything is proportional 7. That most of us are abominable 8. But that he is knowledgeable 9. He told me he's very profitable 10. Sometimes we doubt who we can trust 11. Cause lots of times, people Dissapear like dust 12. So we always gotta adjust 13. Sometimes full of disgust 14. But what we don't know is that we are loved!! 15. By someone from up above 16. He's like a white dove 17. All the way from up above 18. Who has so much love 19. Yet we are the ones who try to shove 20. We think we are so tough 21. Yet we the ones making the fuss 22. Thinking we can just hop on a bus, and go meet the King above us. 23. To have eternal life, you gotta give up your selfish ways 24. Say no more hellish days! 25. In a way we gotta change our settings 26. Learn to count all our blessins 27. Eventually we begin to start learning our lessons 28. Starts to feel like sessions 29. For some it becomes an obsession 30. Their life long goal of getting to the Heavens 31. Shh don't judge, just listen 32. We each have been given what seems like an impossible mission 33. He's wanting total submission 34. All we gotta do is give up OUR ambition 35. Cause he's got a greater mission 36. He's not trying to put us out of commission 37. Trust, he kinda works like a magician 38. It's part of this tradition.


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Love it, Perfectly said!!

and he loves you

God bless you

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