
gang- explainer

gang- explainer

21 Plays

05 Nov 2020

rap gangsta ʄօʀ ʟɨʄɛ ռɨɢɢa I'ʍ a ɢaռɢsta ɨʄ ʏօʊ աaռt tօ sɛɛ ʍʏ ʟɨʄɛ tɦɛռ ʏօʊ ɢօt ɨt ɨts tɨʍɛ tօ ɢɛt sօʍɛ ċasɦ tɦɛʀɛ aʀɛ ʟօt օʄ քɛօքʟɛ ɨռ tɦɛ ʊռɨʋɛʀsɛ աɦօ ɦatɛ ʍɛ aռɖ I ɖօռ't ʍɨռɖ tɦɛʍ ċօʐ I ҡռօա ɨt's ʍʏ ʄaʊʟt ɮʊt I'ʍ ռօt աɦat ʏօʊ tɦɨռҡ ɛʋɛʀʏɮօɖʏ tʀʊsts ʍɛ ɨt's tɨʍɛ tօ sɦօա tɦɛʍ tɦɛ ʀɛaʟ ʍɛ I'ʍ a ɢaռɢsta ɨʄ ʏօʊ ɖօռ't ҡռօա ʍɛ I ɮɛt sօʍɛtɦɨռ ɨs աʀօռɢ Iռ ʏօʊ aռɖ ɢɛt ɨt ʄɨxɛɖ ʀɛaʟ sօօռ ċօʐ I'ʍ ċօʍɨռ ʄօʀ ʏօʊ aռɖ ɨt աօռ't ɮɛ sօօ ɢօօɖ aռɖ ʏօʊ ċaռ asҡ Gօɖ ʄօʀ քʀօtɛċtɨօռ I ɖօռ't ʍɨռɖ I ċaռ ɮʀɛaҡ ɨt ɖօառ sɛɛ I'ʍ ʝʊst ʍɛ aռɖ ռօɮօɖʏ ċaռ ċɦaռɢɛ ʍɛ ʏօʊ'ʟʟ tʀʏ tɨʟʟ ʏօʊ ɖɨɛ ʝʊs ʟɛaʋɛ ʍɛ as I aʍ I'ʍ a ɢaռɢsta I ċaռ ʀօɮ a sռaɨʟ օռ ɨt's աaʏ tօ tօառ ɖօռ't tʀʏ ʍɛ ċօʐ I'ʍ ʊռtʀʏaɮʟɛ aռɖ I'ʍ stʀօռɢ աɦɛռ I'ʍ aʟօռɛ I ɖօռ't ռɛɛɖ քʀօtɛċtɨօռ ċօʐ I ɢօt ʍɨռɛ օռ ʍʏ sɨɖɛ I mean I got it on me I don't trap coz traping is for kids who need to go to real school challenge me for your own sake then you'll see what I'm made of if you got problem with me then suit yourself while I'm busy with my track I don't mind breaking your bones into 5 pieces so be careful what you do and as for those who are taking advantages of me then I give you my permission continue but watch your backs everybody say's Khaya can you rap for me but trust me I'll never do that coz I don't rap I just flow on the beat and don't judge me if you know you can't do what I'm doin' right now I am so cool I don't mind sharing anything even my family asks me what I am but I just say I'm a gangsta I hit the rules I'm the boss everybody respect me I rule the world everybody is falling for me coz I'm not straight and I got nothing only one thing I have is a gang in my heart my bro's are the ones that keep me going they're my gang so if you attack one of us then you'll be asking for trouble itself coz we call the shots nobody can stop us we're unstoppable if you stand on our way then we'll have to take you down we have no mercy and we don't beg for anything we are gangsters trust me I had change but not the way you want me to be I changed the way I want to be and you better accept me as I am or else watch me as I go people think they're smart or clever but I know that everyone is dump we're all not perfect don't judge me if you're not perfect or else I'll have to use my other side to you I'm a bad kid that's why I don't like talking too much coz when I do I'll end up showing what I don't want people to see once you show people you're weaknesses they just see you as dump now I'm talking about my life, it was never easy sometime I feel like I can overdose myself and just die but then I realized that there are lot of things I need to achieve in this world something big is waiting for me in future so I can't die right now I'm too young back to my bro's they always on my side no matter what happens we support each and they're my best friends


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4 years ago

rap gangsta ʄօʀ ʟɨʄɛ ռɨɢɢa I'ʍ a ɢaռɢsta ɨʄ ʏօʊ աaռt tօ sɛɛ ʍʏ ʟɨʄɛ tɦɛռ ʏօʊ ɢօt ɨt ɨts tɨʍɛ tօ ɢɛt sօʍɛ ċasɦ tɦɛʀɛ aʀɛ ʟօt օʄ քɛօքʟɛ ɨռ tɦɛ ʊռɨʋɛʀsɛ աɦօ ɦatɛ ʍɛ aռɖ I ɖօռ't ʍɨռɖ tɦɛʍ ċօʐ I ҡռօա ɨt's ʍʏ ʄaʊʟt ɮʊt I'ʍ ռօt աɦat ʏօʊ tɦɨռҡ ɛʋɛʀʏɮօɖʏ tʀʊsts ʍɛ ɨt's tɨʍɛ tօ sɦօա tɦɛʍ tɦɛ ʀɛaʟ ʍɛ I'ʍ a ɢaռɢsta ɨʄ ʏօʊ ɖօռ't ҡռօա ʍɛ I ɮɛt sօʍɛtɦɨռ ɨs աʀօռɢ Iռ ʏօʊ aռɖ ɢɛt ɨt ʄɨxɛɖ ʀɛaʟ sօօռ ċօʐ I'ʍ ċօʍɨռ ʄօʀ ʏօʊ aռɖ ɨt աօռ't ɮɛ sօօ ɢօօɖ aռɖ ʏօʊ ċaռ asҡ Gօɖ ʄօʀ քʀօtɛċtɨօռ I ɖօռ't ʍɨռɖ I ċaռ ɮʀɛaҡ ɨt ɖօառ sɛɛ I'ʍ ʝʊst ʍɛ aռɖ ռօɮօɖʏ ċaռ ċɦaռɢɛ ʍɛ ʏօʊ'ʟʟ tʀʏ tɨʟʟ ʏօʊ ɖɨɛ ʝʊs ʟɛaʋɛ ʍɛ as I aʍ I'ʍ a ɢaռɢsta I ċaռ ʀօɮ a sռaɨʟ օռ ɨt's աaʏ tօ tօառ ɖօռ't tʀʏ ʍɛ ċօʐ I'ʍ ʊռtʀʏaɮʟɛ aռɖ I'ʍ stʀօռɢ աɦɛռ I'ʍ aʟօռɛ I ɖօռ't ռɛɛɖ քʀօtɛċtɨօռ ċօʐ I ɢօt ʍɨռɛ օռ ʍʏ sɨɖɛ I mean I got it on me I don't trap coz traping is for kids who need to go to real school challenge me for your own sake then you'll see what I'm made of if you got problem with me then suit yourself while I'm busy with my track I don't mind breaking your bones into 5 pieces so be careful what you do and as for those who are taking advantages of me then I give you my permission continue but watch your backs everybody say's Khaya can you rap for me but trust me I'll never do that coz I don't rap I just flow on the beat and don't judge me if you know you can't do what I'm doin' right now I am so cool I don't mind sharing anything even my family asks me what I am but I just say I'm a gangsta I hit the rules I'm the boss everybody respect me I rule the world everybody is falling for me coz I'm not straight and I got nothing only one thing I have is a gang in my heart my bro's are the ones that keep me going they're my gang so if you attack one of us then you'll be asking for trouble itself coz we call the shots nobody can stop us we're unstoppable if you stand on our way then we'll have to take you down we have no mercy and we don't beg for anything we are gangsters trust me I had change but not the way you want me to be I changed the way I want to be and you better accept me as I am or else watch me as I go people think they're smart or clever but I know that everyone is dump we're all not perfect don't judge me if you're not perfect or else I'll have to use my other side to you I'm a bad kid that's why I don't like talking too much coz when I do I'll end up showing what I don't want people to see once you show people you're weaknesses they just see you as dump now I'm talking about my life, it was never easy sometime I feel like I can overdose myself and just die but then I realized that there are lot of things I need to achieve in this world something big is waiting for me in future so I can't die right now I'm too young back to my bro's they always on my side no matter what happens we support each and they're my best friends

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