jigga dancer

130 Plays

03 Nov 2020

better get down now Getty too work working work properly righty jigga now jigga do da laffy Taffy do da laffy taffy da laffy Taffy jigga mako ya jigga the come on put dome an0 some square dance square dance start a gang riot. Red Rivers jigga red string a Red peakachu jigga jiggasaw make peek a chu look at uuu dance jigga dance or do i steps up stepy up n do da bloody walk two steps on dajigga yaa yeahs on da jigga floor two step on any dance floow jigga two step on date icy sub Zero icy floor floor jigga two makes um jigga do dat jigha jigaa jigga doe The czt high-speed jigha, makee um jigga The fukkin choppa Said.@ points joggss kigga hi iggae huggie jiggie da dat jigga jobs Jiggs jiggae gangstas jiggoe highest quality materials education industry-wide decided borooke coconut


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better get down now Getty too work working work properly righty jigga now jigga do da laffy Taffy do da laffy taffy da laffy Taffy jigga mako ya jigga the come on put dome an0 some square dance square dance start a gang riot. Red Rivers jigga red string a Red peakachu jigga jiggasaw make peek a chu look at uuu dance jigga dance or do i steps up stepy up n do da bloody walk two steps on dajigga yaa yeahs on da jigga floor two step on any dance floow jigga two step on date icy sub Zero icy floor floor jigga two makes um jigga do dat jigha jigaa jigga doe The czt high-speed jigha, makee um jigga The fukkin choppa Said.@ points joggss kigga hi iggae huggie jiggie da dat jigga jobs Jiggs jiggae gangstas jiggoe highest quality materials education industry-wide decided borooke coconut

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