sIxSiXsIx...oPeN & sHuT
mikeyskeetmoreSeE tHe sIgnS iTs A mUfUcKin dIsAsTeR eVerYonE LikE a MoViE cEpT a BasTarD JesUs cHriSt nO cAp nO LiMiT bItch wHats In iT iS tHe fAdIng Of the SkiN aRouNd yOur EyeS nOt foR bEgInNeRs? OpEn ShUt bLoDdY cUt gRaVe dIgGer PuLL tHe triGGeR LiKe a mOvEmENt oF tHe pEoPlE gRinDing Hard TrYnA fIt iN aNd tHey aLwaYs hAve iNsiDe sIxsIxsIx oPen aNd sHut sLaM tHe dOoR fEeL tHe pReShA pUsHin uP iNtO yA tOnsILs cAnt bAreLy taLk cAnt wAlK bOut to fOLLoW uP tHe bLocK rOunD thE coRnEr tAlkIn BranD nAmE sPit GamE gEt tHe mEsSagE mAde the cHanGe nEvEr gAve uP on the DrEaM tHats thE dIffEreNce yoU and Me
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Here are my scores: Bars: 9/10 Delivery: 9/10 Impression: 8/10
Here are my scores: Bars: 10/10 Delivery: 10/10 Impression: 10/10
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