dOuBlE aPpLeS cItY nItEz
mikeyskeetmorelight it up 🔥 shoot it cuz 💉 eye demand it 👁️ aye no cap where you at she just average give a fuck smoke a blunt in the cut bitch light skinned nice lips whats the mileage two truths one lie imma say rn str8 up good luck imma win somehow with mY SWAgGr iMmA bAgGr uP LiKE fAcE wEsT 💝 sHe mY BiTCh wE LeGiT wHaTs mY mIsSiOn?? 👻 bItcHeZ cRy. 😭 iM oN SiGhT a ReAL pErSoN gOt tHe LoOk iMmA cRoOk aNd i eArNeD iT sO tOniGht iMmA LiGhT mE a fIrE 🔥 pLeAsE iGniTe mE tHe rIgHt tO bE deSIrEd tHaT AiNt rIgHt rOoKiE gEt mOrE cOnSiDerAtE mY tEaM sLiDeS hELLa wHitE tO tHe cUrb iN thIs fLaShY wHiP sEriEs 6 nEw eDiTiOn bE pOliTe sNoRt LiNeS fUcK tHrEe sEvEnS iTs a GriND LeTs ReWiNd iMmA cAtCh mYsELf tHatS tHe ShiT bE LegIt eRrY1 kNo tHat tWiCe tWicE tHinK iM gOnNa bLoW mY sHiT 2 aNd 9 iTs a SiGn iM sUrPrIsEd rIgHt SiDe FiSt FirST oN tHeSe BitChEs mOviN wOrK cOunTy cLerK gOnNa gIvE mE iNfO gOtTa gOtTa kEeP iT sInFuL wHaTs tHe mIsSiOn nEw aDdITIOn gOt a ViSiON HeLL is GiViNg sIx fLaGs bLaCk MaSs wE dEcIdE tHe LasT aCt bLeSs dEaTh tHiS goeZ mE wAnT mOrE sHoULd dOubLe ApPLeS CiTy NiTeS iM sUrPrIsEd THaT wAs TiGhT bIg wOrDs rUNniNg fAsT sAn FrAnCiScO wHeRe yOu aT gIvE mE sIx iMmA gEt hELLA LiT tHiS a FaCt yOu a PusSy gOtS nO dIcK vErSe LiKe gArBaGe gEt tHis oNe tHiS iS dOnE bItCh sIxSiXsIx
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cool job
light it up shoot it cuz eYe demand it aye no cap where you at she just average give a fuck smoke a blunt in the cut bitch light skinned nice lips whats the mileage two truths one lie imma say rn str8 up good luck imma win someHoW with mY SWAgGr iMmA bAgGr uP LiKE fAcE wEsT 💝 sHe mY BiTCh wE LeGiT wHaTs mY mIsSiOn?? 👻 bItcHeZ cRy. 😭 iM oN SiGhT a ReAL pErSoN gOt tHe LoOk iMmA cRoOk aNd i eArNeD iT sO tOniGht iMmA LiGhT mE a fIrE 🔥 pLeAsE iGniTe mE tHe rIgHt tO bE dEiSIrEd tHaT AiNt rIgHt rOoKiE gEt mOrE cOnSiDerAtE mY tEaM sLiDeS hELLa wHitE tO tHe cUrb iN hIs fLaShY wHiP sEriEs 6 nEw eDiTiOn bE pOliTe sNoRt LiNeS fUcK tHrEe sEvEnS iTs a GriND LeTs ReWiNd iMmA cAtCh mYsELf tHatS tHe ShiT bE LegIt eRrY1 kNo tHat tWiCe tWicE tHinK iM gOnNa bLoW mY sHiT 2 aNd 9 iTs a SiGn iM sUrPrIsEd rIgHt SiDe FiSt FirST oN tHeSe BitChEs mOviN wOrK cOunTy cLerK gOnNa gIvE mE iNfO gOtTa gOtTa kEeP iT sInFuL wHaTs tHe mIsSiOn nEw aDdITIOn gOt a ViSiON HeLL is GiViNg sIx fLaGs bLaCk MaSs wE dEcIdE tHe LasT aCt bLeSs dEaTh tHiS goeZ mE wAnT mOrE sHoULd dOubLe ApPLeS CiTy NiTeS iM sUrPrIsEd THaT wAs TiGhT bIg wOrDs rUNniNg fAsT sAn FrAnCiScO wHeRe yOu aT gIvE mE sIx iMmA gEt hELLA LiT tHiS a FaCt yOu a PusSy gOtS nO dIcK vErSe LiKe gArBaGe gEt tHis oNe tHiS iS dOnE bItCh
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