

1,000 Plays

1,011 Plays

04 Oct 2020

This is for all those who doubt my clout discredit my contributions and don’t understand what I’m doing with my social experiment. It wasn’t clear what I was doing at first I just wanted to break in to the community and interact with an established group and see if I could stand among the relevant. Some of you are hoping to gain acceptance I have been out for notoriety. Fame takes many forms I prefer infamous. It’s funny to me how much people hate to see me succeed, quickly dismiss my abilities focusing only on my ability to provoke action and insight a riot they call me a troll. I’ll be that. I can be the most menacing and relentless of trolls. Who are my targets? Always the over confident the cocky,those who throw shade and cheat , those who position status symbols like features as things that weigh more than humility. If you dont fit in to one of these categories maybe you are just a sensitve bitch and who im not even targeting. #GoatTroll #CloutChase #NobodyTalksAboutYou #whoisSpitbox #spitboxpwns #areyouonthis #GODTIER #spitboxtroll #spitboxgoat #fucktrollgang #cowbarbie #moobarbie #fuckbarbie #slapmusic #fuckwoke #fucksots #fuckdreko #fuckkeke #fuckyou #disstracting #DISSspitbox #disses4you #commodityproductions #dox #doxx #doxxed #doxxing #stayw0kediss #dissstayw0ke #wokeson #sotsgay #staygross #staybroke #disstrackking #haxor #l33t #goats #fluseason #flexmob #assholes #shadevotealliance #thealliance #paradoxrecs #lazyboykings #locos #regulators #fygmusic #fyg #fygcrew #fagyourgay #SpitboxKickRocks #spitthegoat #spitcube #lefty #cumface #fuckjojo @CursedKennedy @thefadedking @iambabyquan @justcaliber @stillsavagexo @nick716 @TruDoughBoi @supportsemcees @vigilantyflawda @WaveGang @IMMACULATE @theofficialghost @SpookDaTrey @rayray_one @qcthagreat @MrBrillz @phillylive @KINGFLEXMOB @dedman519 @Lukeem @Traptabzda1 @Blu3y3z @DERTYWITA30 @KillaDex @tagtag @barsoverheads @bp03 @SLAUGHTERHOUSE @IGoByAK @GULLEYSDOPE @thefadedrook @IAMK1N6 @TheOnlyAlmighty @retired @Ziplok @JBArchie @WhiteAsf @commodi


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Bars: Dope 🔥 Delivery: Dope 🔥 Impression: Dope 🔥

Here are my scores: Bars: 10/10 Delivery: 10/10 Impression: 10/10 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

2 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 10/10 Delivery: 10/10 Impression: 10/10 Bars: Perfect 💯 Delivery: Perfect 💯 Impression: Perfect 💯

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