296 Plays

22 Aug 2020

💡💊☀⭐🌌its LYDACANE©©©© the interface intelligent messenger from his dominant chair received orders that earthquakes frozen lakes and galaxy reversed gravity wasn't a mistake lava Labs laps insurable protection slaps capable traps stolen mars maps from urainum occasion creation location cremation fox news nation new system station operations aspirationst deployment of Russian armored tanks illustration defense minstery fleet readying T72 American society steath global fire power technologies rivals Apollo moon superpower growing economy astronomy credit asset's erasing Earth's debit powegride error so restart intergalactic Treasury treachery no more human species to be found the gipsies starrace hybrid mix gaint solace of darkness alien orbits the burnt atmosphere around the scorched Earth's ground insert Stargate watchers powerful hydrofluoric closer endgames energy airways hydraulic waters they are using Earths daughters to repopulate Mars planetary collums Google searches Bing pings sounds off Saturn's invisible rings verification of the plantation project blackhole time warp national nation's the starwars rebellion negations creations mutations of veggtations livin in ortable rotations moral supperuir aliens returned to a plot scheme hostal to all living and non living beings colonizing meltdown be course countdowns black mass symbolisms you missed but enough already erratacated anyways rite can u stop it nigh high than high gone alternative medicine media lie advocates cannabis opium hopin sodium theologian


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4 years ago


4 years ago

its the interface intelligent messenger from his dominant chair received orders that earthquakes frozen lakes and galaxy reversed gravity wasn't a mistake lava Labs laps insurable protection slaps capable traps stolen mars maps from urainum occasion creation location cremation fox news nation new system station operations aspirationst deployment of Russian armored tanks illustration defense minstery fleet readying T72 American society steath global fire power technologies rivals Apollo moon superpower growing economy astronomy credit asset's erasing Earth's debit powegride error so restart intergalactic Treasury treachery no more human species to be found the gipsies starrace hybrid mix gaint solace of darkness alien orbits the burnt atmosphere around the scorched Earth's ground insert Stargate watchers powerful hydrofluoric closer endgames energy airways hydraulic waters they are using Earths daughters to repopulate Mars planetary collums Google searches Bing pings sounds off Saturn's invisible rings verification of the plantation project blackhole time warp national nation's the starwars rebellion negations creations mutations of veggtations livin in ortable rotations moral supperuir aliens returned to a plot scheme hostal to all living and non living beings colonizing meltdown be course countdowns black mass symbolisms you missed but enough already erratacated anyways rite can u stop it nigh high than high gone alternative medicine media lie advocates cannabis opium hopin sodium theologian

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