143 Plays

19 Aug 2020

yeah is fucking ducking and is hella fucking hot out here in cali. what's up mr sponge bob let me wipe my sweat with u or fuck it I will use u ass to wash my ride u fucking sponge that's all u good for. g if u really want to take this serious change ur profile photo because is not letting focus on this track I dont do good with sponges I rather wash my cars with a rag fuck the sponge is just a waste of water so I will safe some water and leave this fucking sponge behind let another fool wash his car with it cause to my car it will only leave a scratch. Haha Haha bitch ass lame fool like I said on my other tracks lames like u better stay in ur lane, cause u ain't going to stop me from making it into the fame. now u know nigga.


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