The Older Days by 4GLIGT

The Older Days by 4GLIGT

361 Plays

10 Aug 2020

growing up on the streets, by the time I was at the age of six, I was on these beats, playing PlayStation 1, always having cheats, Grand Theft Auto on the TV screen, I got down with brothers and sisters on a 64 Nintendo, playing Motor Kombat, started out playing a game boy Nintendo advance, Pokemon Red, I didnt like School, so I never read, didnt skip class though, who's trying to hang after school bro, I was always free, I wasn't popular, so no one wanted to hang out with me, it was all good though, I was fine walking home by myself, solo, just sitting in my last class, just waiting for the Bell to ring, so I could get up out the building, I was always ready to leave, I was feeling claustrophobic in each classroom, too many kids, I couldn't breathe, praying to the Lord to be older, like jesus please, time flies so now I'm wishing for that time back, that's true facts, if I could take it all back, I would do it all again, just the same way I did, I admit, I was being a kid, I wouldn't change a thing, cuz everything wasn't, what it was made out to be, ya dig, when my best friends wouldn't hang, I know they had better things to do, which just made me livid, but I was being young laughing and still living, playing smooth, when I got home, I'd be chilling, trying to think about if I, had some school work I, brought home, but I was an IEP student, so I, never had school work to bring home, after Middle School came High School, that was just more people I had to look at, which wasn't cool, that's exactly why I love summer, and spring break, for all the time I had off for Christmas, and new years break, I could say thanks, I would do anything to go back to them days, what else can I say, I was a problem child okay, I got in a lot of trouble, hanging out with the wrong crowd, then I started smoking weed, fell in love with them bushy green trees, but I never had money to buy, so I started to sell, so I could smoke for free, I would catch a buzz, and then I would start spitting my freestyle flows, off the top of the head, didn't care what I had said, I was just trying to be the best, thanks for listening me spit, this was a test, and you passed it, see ya later, adios, God bless.


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4 years ago


4 years ago

right I was thinking about this one

4 years ago

@brianchisholm Real True story telling

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