Makes ft After live

130 Plays

22 Jul 2020

MAKE$ftAFTER LIVE MP3 YAh sometimes i think I was born yah jou heard that I was made to have that yah they ask me why am i still outta caracter And thats when i started say i leave this world looking outta window late night 😭 let me feel my reality started switching outta the moon my parents told me why does this child have to be born here at this first place i started race for a place started doing drugs for a Taste my parent warn me all about that but i was too scared every day im in business for a way i mean my dole yah you mean your carater bro sell sows for more flows big mo just tryna go many times people judge by the face look rare bit thats just the beginning where must i start sacrifice my own blood dy joung just too be alive ring in my wife stab by the nife many thaughts i got this in head saying why stuck in my bed lost too many regrets whenever i see jou i see me heaven is for many but hell is for he glory who spent their soles on earth too regret their mistakes what they have done so who am i too judge rong diongs is part of my anger too see how hard it get s too be where i wanna be but not where they tryna let me be the eart was jours be what you are and not what they tryna sow who you realy are yah fall out nothing change


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MAKE$ftAFTER LIVE MP3 YAh sometimes i think I was born yah jou heard that I was made to have that yah they ask me why am i still outta caracter And thats when i started say i leave this world looking outta window late night 😭 let me feel my reality started switching outta the moon my parents told me why does this child have to be born here at this first place i started race for a place started doing drugs for a Taste my parent warn me all about that but i was too scared every day im in business for a way i mean my dole yah you mean your carater bro sell sows for more flows big mo just tryna go many times people judge by the face look rare bit thats just the beginning where must i start sacrifice my own blood dy joung just too be alive ring in my wife stab by the nife many thaughts i got this in head saying why stuck in my bed lost too many regrets whenever i see jou i see me heaven is for many but hell is for he glory who spent their soles on earth too regret their mistakes what they have done so who am i too judge rong diongs is part of my anger too see how hard it get s too be where i wanna be but not where they tryna let me be the eart was jours be what you are and not what they tryna sow who you realy are yah fall out nothing change

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