
35 Plays

13 Jul 2020

Left........ for.......... Dead...........x2 These individuals infected overwhelming me and my team Tank coming round the corner run or shoot x2 BOTH hunter on the prowl hear a boomer's howl Chorus: It's not a flu CEDA lied to you too It mutates daily Makes the air feel hazy it's like a rabies virus but it gos by us Get to a safehouse grab a weapon let's go Oh god it's a Tank Charger!!! why god?


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Left........ for.......... Dead...........x2 These individuals infected overwhelming me and my team Tank coming round the corner run or shoot x2 BOTH hunter on the prowl hear a boomer's howl Chorus: It's not a flu CEDA lied to you too It mutates daily Makes the air feel hazy it's like a rabies virus but it gos by us Get to a safehouse grab a weapon let's go Oh god it's a Tank Charger!!! why god?

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