


125 Plays

13 Jul 2020

shadows of the mind it's a dark night no stars in sight I might take off jaws dropped as jokers scare those with crows in mind you put a mask on to avoid the coin flip at a coin toss two faced it must leave a bad taste from this circus act of penguins,cats I mean riddle me that I mean how can u be the bane of your own existence no patience for the return of forever the beginning of the rise for a better life it's a dark Knight.


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4 years ago

shadows of the mind it's a dark night no stars in sight I might take off jaws dropped as jokers scare those with crows in mind you put a mask on to avoid the coin flip at a coin toss two faced it must leave a bad taste from this circus act of penguins,cats I mean riddle me that I mean how can u be the bane of your own existence no patience for the return of forever the beginning of the rise for a better life it's a dark Knight.

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