
179 Plays


19 Jun 2020

lyrics: I'm coming down again I can feel the stimulants coming to the end of the line, I guess the fun is over then here creeps in the agge old question should I redose and sniff a lineya huff and puff and start breathin in blowing out the big clouds till I'm feeling like the weatherman should I do it until I start coming down again? or I could lay down and rest my head I guess asnuggle up next to the wife and let my brain relax what's the point of using when you gotta squeeze your brain out like you're a lemon head here's a glass of lemonade; I'm dead plop ll8pp8k7p there's no more dopamine left like aught I could try to force it out but it's best if I let it replenish naturally on it's own time, and sleep semi naturally all the damn time till I'm depressed and my body is weak or maybe atrophied muscles and I can hear my skele,ton creak like I'm popping my knuckles and even standing on my feet is a struggle, my thoughts are wrestling each other, like a demon and an angel locked in battle and im the battle ground as well as collateral. but im just trying to prove something to anyone listening that when im lower than deep ocean depressed and pressure is pressuring me to give in i dont let it g remember why youre here who do you live for? like, i dont live solely to benefit me other peiple rely on me and i need that feeling to stay alive the alternative is sickening to think about but it keeps intrusively coming out of my tought stream merrily merilly life is a nightmare or a scene from a horror movie will this feeling last forever?? oh, here comes my addiction to voice it's opinion will this last forever? .... UHHH NOPE it wont. just hit the fucking dope look at that bowl, round as a noose rope ain't it though? and I know you know that you think it's your only hope, put your fucking face on the ground and sniff that NOW. (but that line is way too big!) oh you fucking pussy just do it! (ok fine play some music) oh yeah baby now we're cruising (but my brain cells are probably dying) good! that's when you know you're abusing to get high! don't lie and say you did it because you somehow needed it or justify and say it helped you stay functional, bullshit! fucking faggot I own you bitch. don't you see the chains around your ankles and wrists? I control you like a puppet I'm your ventriloquist and I'm solely focused and determined to spin (get it?) your life into a shit show like it's always been (good riddence) but we're gonna bring out the worst of your worst self and unleash it on the people you love and let the wrecking ball demolish it all in seconds, you might as well be naked like miley while everyone else is watching its not even embarrassing comparing it to other things that happened when drunk and cant think of them, i bet it took uears to get here and jack went tumbling down the hill again and leaving jill wondering if her husband would survive again her mind was racing she remem (I'm gonna stop you though) yeah? how? (idk, lemme snort another line and figure this shit out)


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dope shit. Dopamine and serotonin surgin... @bryancooper

4 years ago

@bryancooper thank you bro

@theyhateobito bro thank you means alot and I love your name :)

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