15 Plays

09 Jun 2020

stick up for those who can't stick up for themselves. clarification for everyone... ALL LIVES MATTER YES,BIT WE IN NORTH AMERICA AND BLACKS GET IT THE WORST SO THATS WHY THEY ARE UNDER THE LIGHT AND WHY THEY HAVE THIS MOVEMENT.. AND THEY COMIN (peacefully,it is possible to get the point across without violence and breaking the law,it's called being smart😊) But you best "MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY" -#LUDA recording sucks,no flow,too frustrated right now to even try.sorry guy.


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stick up for those who can't stick up for themselves. clarification for everyone... ALL LIVES MATTER YES,BIT WE IN NORTH AMERICA AND BLACKS GET IT THE WORST SO THATS WHY THEY ARE UNDER THE LIGHT AND WHY THEY HAVE THIS MOVEMENT.. AND THEY COMIN (peacefully,it is possible to get the point across without violence and breaking the law,it's called being smart😊) But you best "MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY" -#LUDA recording sucks,no flow,too frustrated right now to even try.sorry guy.

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