Noble Savage
Noble Savage



119 Plays

29 May 2020

woka flocka in da flame? no rescue? what it do old life wtill smellin like do doo why im smokin still too and i don't even know what to do cuz I'm through with the old life all strife no good no life in da hood little country big God big me was flawed lifted im gifted i see him right now how was I so blinded I just fo not know that's past new rhyme new flow whatever is righteous whatever is pure brain grow encephalitis good way tho spirit liftin love giftin no vengeance JESUS driven that dont mean no, but less sinnin so let's get ya winnin.


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3 years ago

@Caiin_Vet Str8 up.

4 years ago

What it do..Big bro 🔥 I appreciate these raw flows . I'm an artist like this as well.Sometimes u just need to get some shit off ya heart onto the mic

4 years ago

woka flocka in da flame? no rescue? what it do old life wtill smellin like do doo why im smokin still too and i don't even know what to do cuz I'm through with the old life all strife no good no life in da hood little country big God big me was flawed lifted im gifted i see him right now how was I so blinded I just fo not know that's past new rhyme new flow whatever is righteous whatever is pure brain grow encephalitis good way tho spirit liftin love giftin no vengeance JESUS driven that dont mean no, but less sinnin so let's get ya winnin.

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