Tk venoms
Tk venoms

welcome to my game

welcome to my game

46 Plays

26 May 2020

let me spell it out for ya I'm reping for the dirty south and the only way is to play my game, deep throated your girl she remembers my name as big papa, now I'm jumping over your ass like a kappa, coppers ain't gonna catch this plumber cuz I got the magic mushroom from the evidence locker. Real shocker nigga's trying to step in my lane before they realize that I'm long gone hitting the bong at the finish line keep pushing you gonna end up in a pine six feet under the middle of nowhere. even courage to scared to look if theres any remains. If you gonna come back gonna double tap your brain zombie 101. mama gonna be crying that her baby gone till later on when she getting her consolation package delivered by yours personally. last survivor of my residency of evil you will lose your humanity over powered by my army of darkspawn now I'm reversing the tidal wave of opposition from my new position of attrition against any who infiltrate my middle earth kingdom will be obliterated by my final kamkamha. Even joker gets his hahaha as your homies turn on you quicker then scar dont mind the snickers the hyenas of the rap world already await your post apocalyptic fallout where final fantasy ends in a state of decay. Better relay your plea over mass effect relay, cuz hyperspace will be to costly a delay, as I leave you in dead space if you had kept pace I wouldn't have been able have forizon send me past your horizon, I've dropped enough bison while on dangerous hunts to know you nothing but bark you wouldn't survive a day In ark darkness rising sends you back into the iron throne prison now you just yesterday's story in my metropolis. #my game(late)


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2 years ago

dope hip-hop

4 years ago

let me spell it out for ya I'm reping for the dirty south and the only way is to play my game, deep throated your girl she remembers my name as big papa, now I'm jumping over your ass like a kappa, coppers ain't gonna catch this plumber cuz I got the magic mushroom from the evidence locker. Real shocker nigga's trying to step in my lane before they realize that I'm long gone hitting the bong at the finish line keep pushing you gonna end up in a pine six feet under the middle of nowhere. even courage to scared to look if theres any remains. If you gonna come back gonna double tap your brain zombie 101. mama gonna be crying that her baby gone till later on when she getting her consolation package delivered by yours personally. last survivor of my residency of evil you will lose your humanity over powered by my army of darkspawn now I'm reversing the tidal wave of opposition from my new position of attrition against any who infiltrate my middle earth kingdom will be obliterated by my final kamkamha. Even joker gets his hahaha as your homies turn on you quicker then scar dont mind the snickers the hyenas of the rap world already await your post apocalyptic fallout where final fantasy ends in a state of decay. Better relay your plea over mass effect relay, cuz hyperspace will be to costly a delay, as I leave you in dead space if you had kept pace I wouldn't have been able have forizon send me past your horizon, I've dropped enough bison while on dangerous hunts to know you nothing but bark you wouldn't survive a day In ark darkness rising sends you back into the iron throne prison now you just yesterday's story in my metropolis. #my game(late)

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