


14 Plays

16 May 2020

#Woody #Stirling #Scottish #Scotland #Strictlymakinmusic #UK #Poetry #Poet #2020 Seems this is a game of Cat and mouse, chacing each other  round the house It's game It's a game I keep telling my self Climbing to the highest shelf Teased by the smell of cheese, Ham locked safe  in a safe Impenetrable So i scram, Scurry past the jam  Dont worry about the jam i am in headphones in Shout it  at a world that Does listen To busy  zoned into their phone Lost my scrunchy, Will you  just pull my hair? Kick and punch me So i can feel somthing real Ill give up control, All my actions  got reactions And they are taking their tole Stole everything  they could steal Tell me how to feel I'm waiting He's not Trying to get him to stop That's the puzzle  I've been left puzzled with Now im in the shower Spend hours scrubbing my self with soap Trying to cope I get lost in a book Hoping others won't look   But they look And im stuck, On the spot I'm tea brew me Leave me to stew Who knew I was frozen With no Zen I tell them. im withering And they tell me "to go wither then" That's what happens to Flowers  when you don't weather them  Lego  memories  won't let go, And I'll play my self If you say no But hey ho Nead rain  to make the rainbow And a little light to make the rain glow That light is my fight And its night Dark now Clouds in the sky, I hope  they go some how Lookin for a spark  to grow A loud sigh As the moon Breaks through I'm on my feet for another try


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4 years ago

#Woody #Stirling #Scottish #Scotland #Strictlymakinmusic #UK #Poetry #Poet #2020 Seems this is a game of Cat and mouse, chacing each other  round the house It's game It's a game I keep telling my self Climbing to the highest shelf Teased by the smell of cheese, Ham locked safe  in a safe Impenetrable So i scram, Scurry past the jam  Dont worry about the jam i am in headphones in Shout it  at a world that Does listen To busy  zoned into their phone Lost my scrunchy, Will you  just pull my hair? Kick and punch me So i can feel somthing real Ill give up control, All my actions  got reactions And they are taking their tole Stole everything  they could steal Tell me how to feel I'm waiting He's not Trying to get him to stop That's the puzzle  I've been left puzzled with Now im in the shower Spend hours scrubbing my self with soap Trying to cope I get lost in a book Hoping others won't look   But they look And im stuck, On the spot I'm tea brew me Leave me to stew Who knew I was frozen With no Zen I tell them. im withering And they tell me "to go wither then" That's what happens to Flowers  when you don't weather them  Lego  memories  won't let go, And I'll play my self If you say no But hey ho Nead rain  to make the rainbow And a little light to make the rain glow That light is my fight And its night Dark now Clouds in the sky, I hope  they go some how Lookin for a spark  to grow A loud sigh As the moon Breaks through I'm on my feet for another try

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