Buck Plusgee
Buck Plusgee

thoughts on thoughts

thoughts on thoughts

65 Plays

13 May 2020

#BuckPlusgee things I've overcome 1have been and will become stepping stools of growth paid my dues now there's dues owed many times I've painfully transitioned in and out of phases done my time for crimes for all my wrongful acquisitions stubbornly held to mu damned fool thoughts stood my ground and fought learned and listened if I was wrong I'm switching my position lot a dudes from slc embarked upon a mission ¹1 this perspective this position stop and listen you'll be wishing that you had when your in prison your ass kissing really shouldn't get my goat but it's bothering me guess it's just three caliber of person you look up to g flashy fame chasing lazy wealthy from hard working parents but this generation? silver spoon fed only want it if they can be led dread a hard days work no unique ideas inside their head


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4 years ago

#BuckPlusgee things I've overcome 1have been and will become stepping stools of growth paid my dues now there's dues owed many times I've painfully transitioned in and out of phases done my time for crimes for all my wrongful acquisitions stubbornly held to mu damned fool thoughts stood my ground and fought learned and listened if I was wrong I'm switching my position lot a dudes from slc embarked upon a mission ¹1 this perspective this position stop and listen you'll be wishing that you had when your in prison your ass kissing really shouldn't get my goat but it's bothering me guess it's just three caliber of person you look up to g flashy fame chasing lazy wealthy from hard working parents but this generation? silver spoon fed only want it if they can be led dread a hard days work no unique ideas inside their head

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