tried my best

87 Plays

10 May 2020

tried my best some people only no misery an stress


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F*** you your dick you can't even tell the difference between a real or fake bich I think you better off with them f****** teenyboppers little do you know you're f****** flyer than that stop it I never ever wanted to make you my boo or my man wanting to make you happy once a week that was my plan a place where you go to free yo mine from the stress you and I know I'll take care of the rest but no you didn't want that at all God forbid you have any happiness in your life that's real like gold even if it was once a week it's all it takes to get away from the snakes and the people want to get in your pockets and Rob you like ya bill Gates is only one thing that I'm trying to say that you took the time out once a week and you happier today you wouldn't be so miserable walk around with that face miserableness trying to escape all I know when you were in my place you Smiles you laugh all your troubles went away at last its all good i tried i did my best but all some people know is misery an stress one luv keep ya head up gd luck wich ya... this song for u

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