
the score will never be settled

the score will never be settled

26 Plays

22 Mar 2020

go out at night and look for the dimes. have a hell of a time. couple of shots right to the brain. dont throw up in my whip and leave a stain. just lay back hit this. were having fun with each other no need for slit wrists. when im making a list of chicks i wanna stick my dick in. it dont matter whether or not thekr trick in. i get lost in sick sin. then. i gotta get out. hallways are dark and no one hears my shouts. what am i really about? ive been fighting myself like goku vs goku in final bout. my head fills up with so much doubt. need to re rout like gps recalculating. im heavily involved in the process of rhyme making. this world is mine for the taking mine for the shaping. elevating ro lwvels you cant reach as a human. guess i gotta evolve and keep moving. keep doing what im doing. constantly pursuing. maneuvering life at an expert level. lile james dean. imma rebel. i rebel against the system until its leveled. im constantly fighting with myself the score will never be settled.


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go out at night and look for the dimes. have a hell of a time. couple of shots right to the brain. dont throw up in my whip and leave a stain. just lay back hit this. were having fun with each other no need for slit wrists. when im making a list of chicks i wanna stick my dick in. it dont matter whether or not thekr trick in. i get lost in sick sin. then. i gotta get out. hallways are dark and no one hears my shouts. what am i really about? ive been fighting myself like goku vs goku in final bout. my head fills up with so much doubt. need to re rout like gps recalculating. im heavily involved in the process of rhyme making. this world is mine for the taking mine for the shaping. elevating ro lwvels you cant reach as a human. guess i gotta evolve and keep moving. keep doing what im doing. constantly pursuing. maneuvering life at an expert level. lile james dean. imma rebel. i rebel against the system until its leveled. im constantly fighting with myself the score will never be settled.

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