
Fuck world

Fuck world

14 Plays

21 Mar 2020

I am in the game now not temporary qualified in life making it making it to the preliminary. Putting enemies in the cemetery. Caused I learned from life. They think I can't make it cause I'm white. Like what does that have to do with life I thought you could do anything you wanted to do in life. Why can't I be what I choose because I feel like what I choose is right. It is really just bout taking that next that next step and have your visions in sight. Do what you wanna do cause that's what's right. You can be what you want black brown or white.just do what you wanna do and keep that career in sight. Cause its just round the corner. Always be smarter. Yeah talking about your enemies keep them in the same vicinity and be nice give him a double dose because you two don't need to fight that's what people haven't learned in life is that you don't need to take things out and anger and especially just to a random stranger don't use a gun if you have to settle it, no more crimes .People are taking random lives like his and his. stop this nonsense. You people make no fucking sence. People shooting their own friends. you could have talked it out me whole situation would have made more sense. Hince the fact I still have freinds. Hoes talk but don't just go shootin. Little girl accidentally shot she was 7. Look at this world and what happnen.


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4 years ago

I am in the game now not temporary qualified in life making it making it to the preliminary. Putting enemies in the cemetery. Caused I learned from life. They think I can't make it cause I'm white. Like what does that have to do with life I thought you could do anything you wanted to do in life. Why can't I be what I choose because I feel like what I choose is right. It is really just bout taking that next that next step and have your visions in sight. Do what you wanna do cause that's what's right. You can be what you want black brown or white.just do what you wanna do and keep that career in sight. Cause its just round the corner. Always be smarter. Yeah talking about your enemies keep them in the same vicinity and be nice give him a double dose because you two don't need to fight that's what people haven't learned in life is that you don't need to take things out and anger and especially just to a random stranger don't use a gun if you have to settle it, no more crimes .People are taking random lives like his and his. stop this nonsense. You people make no fucking sence. People shooting their own friends. you could have talked it out me whole situation would have made more sense. Hince the fact I still have freinds. Hoes talk but don't just go shootin. Little girl accidentally shot she was 7. Look at this world and what happnen.

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