34 Plays

15 Mar 2020

#👁️UnitedNations#agenda21#deceit#lamb's-wool#a must-read#killing me softly best book to quickly educate the people that cannot yet see the truth of what the world is hiding from you please read we need more people just listen I'll be putting out more tracks like this I know it's different but so is everybody and I'm trying to put it in layman terms so you understand


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#👁️UnitedNations#agenda21#deceit#lamb's-wool#a must-read#killing me softly best book to quickly educate the people that cannot yet see the truth of what the world is hiding from you please read we need more people just listen I'll be putting out more tracks like this I know it's different but so is everybody and I'm trying to put it in layman terms so you understand

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