
619 Plays

09 Mar 2020

my scrypt is about to take off I'm going to be equipped. like bonnie and Clyde your shit is hip. so let's ride that 9 or that 5 I'm about to drop that dime. its just away I can explain that you are mine. I tell you all the time. lesion learn true facts. since one day you always had my back. a matter fact .you are the one and only. I could chill like one of my hommies. its a storey , its in my inventory. so let hoary, so I can expect. the next time I see my check. I will not fetch. or discrimination. I try to relate. when I have a day to be on top. I will not stop. I got my gun hot cock .I make a lot of money that I drop, cant stop. im always thankful to be able to live my life. I will never deprive. this ant no sue a side I'm alive this is the only concept i sorvive. I except that gods laying his hand on us all we need him more then ever since the fall. I can tell you overall about struggle and pain I will always remian the same if you don't understand this game .you will lose yourself in the fame. so don't blame me. blame the game . and aim the same I will always explained one thing .at a time you will always be my ride and die. always know I be bye your side .I need to stay alive. please don't tell me why. I deside to live my life with out prides so I'm at your offens so I can have a sertan comprahensife. a sertan percentile . in the mean while. I will reaveal that extra mile. it might take awhile. once I inter. into your interfile. it will be worth your wild. so once I arived. try not to resist.it is what it is what it is its non of my bisnnest. but let me tell you in this game. you nead to be realist. idealist, to point that you become extremist. so when ever your neaded make shore you succeed it you don't need to be conceded you pleading for your mercy I'm mercianery it get to a point that it get hairy I'm not no moth a fucking fairy it might get Scarry.so double the money that you are trying to come up with this is the only solution because this will be the only concept that would be left useing so let me get off here I will say this one last thing I will never fear no man I do what I can do I will pursue my dream like Martian Luther king I be like. so fresh so clean .you know what I mean .so I'm leaving this Sean and I'm laying back .I don't know what's next but I will give you the opertunity explain your storey so i can text and say I'm the only mc in this game so it not going to matter I'm going to clect the fame I'm getting of here before I go insane my brain is over loading you don't won't me keep free flowing because it will looking stubet were you are going with this so I'm going to the top and raise my fist I just gave you kiss of death that all that left


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4 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 9/10 Delivery: 9/10 Impression: 9/10

4 years ago

nice bro

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