
26 Plays

08 Mar 2020

Its about the loyalty not loyal to the foil tee im about to be the royalty thats not enjoyed by the magistry but the emotionally stoken chemistry has us all in rhapsody Becauze he knowledge you weaved created worlds that I believe that are nothing like tv and supercede every IV So Is something up your sleeve I'll do whatever please I'm not a sleaze but I'll get up on my knees just to pay the fees and show I'm not a tease. but I'd rather smoke some trees and let the fall happen like the leaves. our life could be a breeze, when we melt away the freeze. we might hold each others cure to this disease. would you be the Adam to my eve, the one she didn't decieve because he wasnt a skeez and couldn't bare to see her grieve, and didnt plan to leave. Hook:Subconsciously, Subliminally, Emotionally Intentional for me. Going in blindly but happily for the after we. I heard what they said because I fed them all my bread and let them near my bed surprised that I'm not dead for all the lies I all the fables that I read to them. and heard them loudly when they said "look out little red" dont go riding in the wood without your hood if you could just stay good like you should bc when they chopping wood not everyone is good in the hood and because your good we excused you breaking lots of rules, and almost made us look like fools and took away our swimming pools your lucky were not ghouls and notice you perfected all them tools that we gave you to use so that you could choose if you would win or lose we making money on the news because a fuse was recycled and reused. hook: subconsciously, subliminally waiting on the :moment to seize: you will see me like I see who he can be if he sets his heart free you bring a wise mind that checks messes left behind. you help me out in a bind, crush and chalk up the lines whatever I lose you try to find and remind that the test is timed and you cant rewind or whine about the grind. and that's fine Keeping this on the track watching my back in case you need to attack because my enemies are stacked and reaction is whack. its definately a fact I don't know how to act but when you tell me exact the method to hack I'll fade into black because I've already packed. a couple nic nacs, all of my mack, a few healthy snacks and dope ass tracks. I'll never look back leave all the rest for the quacks and sad sacks to decorate their shacks

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