482 Plays

27 Feb 2020

I'm a boller before I flow that I know the ever giveing opertunity I show so before I bust this flow Im given you a day you make and the time to be on top but I have spot light me so tica taca stocker I will eather make you or break you. or you will be on your on destiny so confess and then you will see that you don't have shit on me so tell me me a story in about my life so i can be bold so I can afford to tell you that you was never maid for this so you must beat a point that you are on the verg to explode you been through the nercery so so I was alert so when you get the opportunity to reqeust and that I will say I say it upuff the rest so take a text so when I'm raping at you I will be more complex Im in series of a lot of storey before I'm 40 I won't a better opportunity that would be giving to so I watch from a fare away so I can see the breathing graves so I pray on to the lord to save us all we are bought with a price the price may seam nice but once I walk acroos the field I Sean the vice so I rana and I duck a from that sucka before the fucka found me I was in the inity of there persinity so they seen me so I snorted a line of ice and then I ran to a point were the blocked me and then they got so stop me so they put me in current sidwation with the cops so sto


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