the little boy

the little boy

63 Plays

19 Feb 2020

Elo on the track hey let me tell you story it's about a little boy he was looking for that glory but as he grew up his life started to get gory he grew up and he was filed in to category he hated the rules he was growing up to fast as he was living his dreams got smashed his future lit up in flames all he could do sit an whatch as everything was reduced to ash his happiness started to crash he turned to drugs he lived every day hustling people could see he was struggling didn't want to help one night he got caught people just walked past as he yelled for help he found dead life is horrible it always will be would you have help him or would you have shamed him the people who didn't their hands are stained with the blood of a boy he was only 14 years oh age oh how much rage what has the world become know a days all people care about is money and being able to blaze is this just a faze or is this really how much the human kind weighs people are gonna have to pay the price one day or are of just pray maybe on day the world will change it ways most likely not today but who is to say maybe it will all stay it really just nature to betray one another or can we change is their a way we can exchange for different way i guess all we can do is pray maybe some day we will find a better way to live maybe some but all we can do is pray my soul is starting to turn gray my mind is starting to fray I swear I'm going in sane I look at the people who didn't try to help the boy in vain this is alot to put on a persons brain there is so much pain

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