Faded 3

131 Plays

06 Feb 2020

#Faded3 Sometimes there's simply nothing to say This shit wont go away Affecting the brain in such a negative way Should i dissect the pain? "No" "Put it away for another rainy day" Wait Who the fuck said the words i could never say Go away "No" There it is again Searching for a friend who hasn't fallen for all these stupid fuckin trends End of an era "Oh, im so sorry man, i really didnt mean to scare yuh" "Its me, one of the billion voices in your ear, here to feed on your false sense of self-love" Shut the the fuck up "No" "Go ahead Commit another sin You know you'll never win I love to see you fall down" I'll get back up again I'll be despised for all the lies But even worse is the truth Ill make the world my booth Make you feel similar to the pain of pulling the tooth You know the one that rotted, broke into pieces, all that's left is the root "Fool" "Causation of the problem is never easily solved Think of yourself, don't you ever wanna ball? Don't you ever wanna lawyer called Saul? Don't you ever wanna raise your palm, commanding your men to sin?" Can't you see the metaphor? Don't you see the glorification? Humanity's fadin You? You'd rather shade them Than attention pay them You just wanna fade them Toxic venom spray them You're the one inside manifesting the lame ass friend "No" "Im the only one that knows the inner workings of your soul I was there at the creation of the breaking of the whole Ill be there when you fill the holes Ill be there when you're old Ill be there when you go" No Im here to cleanse the demons hostage holding human soul Im here to tie together fractured universes whole Never can i fold You're mindset is old I fear you have to go...


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4 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 8/10 Delivery: 8/10 Impression: 8/10

Here are my scores: Bars: 8/10 Delivery: 9/10 Impression: 9/10

4 years ago

Here are my scores: Bars: 8/10 Delivery: 7/10 Impression: 9/10

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