47 Plays

19 Jan 2020

you can't say shit cuz you wasn't there if I was less an intellectual I'd say it's not fair but I'm a smart ass nigga I know that life ain't fair but fuck it I dont care I'm just living how I wanna been smoking since I found out I could Found my first cig on the floor it was good. coughed so fucking hard I threw up it was good. smoked my first bowl assisted ever since that day I cornered like a champion. grey sweat pants back before that shit was fuck boi you never skipped class to scrape rea wtf boy smoking at my homies till it felt like the day replayed. de ja vu but on another level it's like I thought about myself until I spanked up and then I realized who I was and that I fucked up it's kinda fucked up drugs are fucked up


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you can't say shit cuz you wasn't there if I was less an intellectual I'd say it's not fair but I'm a smart ass nigga I know that life ain't fair but fuck it I dont care I'm just living how I wanna been smoking since I found out I could Found my first cig on the floor it was good. coughed so fucking hard I threw up it was good. smoked my first bowl assisted ever since that day I cornered like a champion. grey sweat pants back before that shit was fuck boi you never skipped class to scrape rea wtf boy smoking at my homies till it felt like the day replayed. de ja vu but on another level it's like I thought about myself until I spanked up and then I realized who I was and that I fucked up it's kinda fucked up drugs are fucked up

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